Playing the Boulderball correctly

The Boulderball is a pocket-sized climbing wall. This means that you can climb a predetermined route just like on a climbing wall. Take a good look at the ball first. It consists of small pentagonal holds and larger hexagonal holds, each with two different features: the holds have a protruding structure or are recessed. There are also 10 different colours.

The route maps

Here you can see what the individual symbols mean and how the handles are represented.

  1. This symbol is located next to the first handle – this is where the route starts
  2. Special moves
  3. You have reached the summit and now you have to descend
  4. Repeat the route continuously

    Spanish - Japanese

Here we go!

Take a route map (difficulty level 1 to 10) and look at the sequence of holds. The routes always follow a conscious line.

<-- Kilimanjaro & 3 Zinnen

  • Take a route map (difficulty level 1 to 10) and look at the sequence of holds. The routes always follow a deliberate line.
  • Apply magnesium to your fingers for a better grip.
  • Use both hands when climbing. However, only 3 fingers may touch the ball at the same time. It doesn't matter which fingers you use, they can always be different ones.
  • The Boulderball is always held freely in the air when climbing. You are not allowed to put it wn or support it.
  • Make sure you have a non-sensitive surface, as the Boulderball can "crash".
  • Hold the Boulderball up on the first two holds indicated on the route. Hold hold 3 of the route with a third finger. Now release hold 1 and move on to hold 4 (does not have to be with the finger of the first hold). Follow the route in this way.
  • Once a finger is positioned on a grip, it may not be replaced by another. However, the finger may change position on the hold, i.e. slip.
  • If you have managed the ascent and descent without "falling", you have reached the goal.
  • You can also climb freely or come up with your own routes.

Playing technique

TIP: As with wall climbing, only the right technique will get you to your goal. Therefore, try different finger combinations and postures. You will see that a small change is often the key to success.

Warm up first



  • A maximum of 3 fingers may touch the boulder ball at the same time: The first two players hold the boulder ball up with one finger each on the first two handles so that it no longer touches the ground. The third player grabs the third handle with any finger and, together with player 2, builds up enough pressure so that player 1 can let go of the handle without the boulder ball falling down.
    Now player 1 goes to grip 4 and holds the boulder ball together with player 3. Player 2 lets go. This continues in turn.
  • The handles are touched and released in order according to the route map.
  • The boulder ball must not touch the surface or be supported.
  • If there are only two players involved in the game, both take turns. A maximum of three fingers can be on the boulder ball at any one time. Before the fourth finger is placed, the first must let go.

    IMPORTANT! It is advisable to use a soft mat to avoid damaging the table or other furniture.

Team Climb explanatory video