This is how you assemble the boulder ball correctly
Before the game starts you have to move the BOULDERBALL up
Build according to the instructions shown. It is extremely important that
correct arrangement of the handles. That's just how they are
Route specifications useful.
• First sort all the pieces by shape and color.
• After installing a hexagon, attach a connecting piece to its free side so that you can continue building.
Attention: The 10 hexagons with protruding structure have one side higher than the other. This is marked in red in the instructions. Pay attention to the correct orientation when installing
the highest side.
Rotate the boulder ball slightly to the left and up
Rotate the boulder ball slightly to the left
Rotate the boulder ball slightly to the left
Rotate the boulder ball slightly to the left and up
Now add the pentagons

Rotate the boulder ball slightly to the left

Rotate the boulder ball slightly to the left
If necessary, the boulder ball can be dismantled into its individual parts
will. This is done by loosening and taking out a pentagon. All other parts can then be removed.
Video disassemble boulder ball